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KLS Mail Backup - Help

KLS Mail Backup is an easy to use backup program that allows you to back up and restore your Windows Mail, Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Firefox profile files.

User Interface

The Profile view contains the list of backup items of your backup set. Click "Add Item" to show the Add Backup Item dialog.

KLS Mail Backup maintains a history of backup jobs and the files of each backup run. This feature offers a clear view of backup set history, and allows you to keep track of file versions. The content of the selected archive is shown in the Archive Content tree.

This Logs panel displays the program's log file content. KLS Mail Backup writes significant events to the log.

Backup Properties

Destination: The target location is the storage media path where created archives will be stored. The backup File Name will be the name of the archives created with the backup set. A suffix will be added to the end of the backup filename.

Backup Mode: This screen allows you to define how the backup will be performed.

Backup Type: KLS Mail Backup supports the Full and Incremental backup modes.

Storage and Security:

Compress Source into a ZIP file: KLS Mail Backup uses standard zip and 7z format to compress data. The main advantages of zip format are: high speed, good compression, compatible with third-party applications.

Compression options:

Level: There are 5 levels of compression (from no compression to best compression) from which you can choose the one you need. Recommended compression level is Normal.

Backup Logs

Log files can be useful for checking errors. Log files will be generated during the backup process and will be displayed in the backup progress window. Log Content can have three different levels:

HTML Format: The log file is a text file, with the file name of the created archive and 'txt' extension. Check this options to create a html formatted log. Extension of the HTML log is 'html'.

To save the log file somewhere select one or more of the following options:


The Restore Wizard will help you to restore an archive. You can restore any archive listed in the Archive library.

The Restore Wizard consists of 2 screens:

Selecting What to Restore

The first screen shows the archive content and allows you to select which files and items you want to restore. A checked item means that the item is selected with all its contents, the empty check box means that the item will not be restored. A gray check box means that some but not all of the item's contents have been selected. If you want to restore the whole archive then make sure the top level item (archive title) is checked. When you finished selecting the items click Next to continue.

The next screen allows the user to specify how to handle existing files:

The Info group box displays information about the archive content:

Click Restore to start the restore process.